Apache Spark

Spark Streaming vs Storm

“I recommend you look at storm vs spark in a different manner. if your stream response can handle some latency (as little as 1/2 a second) then spark may be the way to go. This is just my opinion as spark streaming is so darn easy. Storm is a POWERFUL engine with virtually zero latency. Storm has been clocked on millions of tuples per node per second. So you have to ask yourself if your use case needs zero latency or can you handle micro batch (spark streaming)”

Performance Comparison Between Spark and Storm - Hortonworks

Through Storm, only Stream processing is possible. Although the industry requires a generalized solution, that resolves all the types of problems, for example, batch processing, stream processing interactive processing as well as iterative processing. Thus, Apache Spark comes into limelight. Also, a general-purpose computation engine. Through it, we can handle any type of problem. As a result, Apache Spark is much too easy for developers. Also, we can integrate it very well with Hadoop. Therefore, Spark Streaming is more efficient than Storm. Hope you got all your answers regarding Storm vs Spark Streaming comparison.

Comparison between Apache Storm vs Spark Streaming - TechVidvan

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