[리뷰] The Effective Executive

Manage your time effectively, Do this by recording where your time goes.
An effective excutive need not even do this himself; a secretary or assistant better does it.
If this is all the executive ever does, he will still reap a substantial improvement.

올바른 일을 수행하는 능력

The best way to measure or determine a good executive is by their ability to get th right things done

목표달성 능력

Executive effectiveness is a prime requirement for individual accomplishment, and achievement

시간을 관리

Effective executives do not start with planning; they start by finding out where their thme goes

공헌에 초점

The focus on contributions is critical for effectiveness

강점을 활용

The effective executive uses the strengh of each man as a building block for a joint performance


Decision-making is one of the significant tasks of an executive

대안들 사이의 선택

A decision is a judgment; it is a choice between alternatives

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